Friday, December 1, 2006

Dino Dash, Tustin, CA 11/5/06

It was at the 5 mile mark that I caught up to them. He was tall, at least 6 foot five and she was about at most 5 foot three. They seemed an odd couple to be running together at a distance appearing as parent and a child. As I pulled up even with them, I heard both of them breathing hard, a joy to my ears. I tried my best to keep my approach silent as I sized them up. I let them pace me for a bit as I tuned in to how they felt and enjoyed their company. She was completely out of gas and he was sympathetic to her plight, urging her on. I readied myself for the final push to the 10k finish and at the 5.5 mile mark I moved in front of them. Slowly I began to pull away and the sound of their labored breathing faded. I smiled to myself as I strained to hear a few last few gasps. I turned a corner on the course and stared into the rising sun with my heart beating steady and strong. Feeling energized after pulling away from them I headed to the finish.

1 comment:

Jessica DeLine said...

I've missed that race 2 years in a row now... maybe next time!